Before today private leagues were total hidden from view unless you were a poker league member. This was great but came with a bit of a side-effect – you could not embed your poker league on your own website/blog or put it on your Facebook profile. This was for technical reasons – your website/blog/Facebook is […]
We had a record breaking month of growth in October, 2009 with 944 new poker players signing up on PokerDIY to take advantage of our free services! This brings the total number of home poker players on PokerDIY to just under 43000… That is a lot of people to play poker against and meet! Find […]
Someone requested that the last x home poker games are shown on the league scoreboard page so that you have a quick way of seeing the last couple of games your league has played (useful for double-checking those scores too!) This made sense so this enhancement went live today. There is a new tab on […]
The 8000th home poker game has just been listed on PokerDIY! It’s great to think that so many poker players and games are connecting via our social network. This was home poker game number 8000 – The Scarface Poker club in Raleigh. If you run a home poker game and are looking for poker players […]
Poker league scoreboard reports are now sent by default automatically whenever your scoreboard changes. This saves you as the poker league owner having to manually send a leaderboard update after each game. Reports are queued up and sent 6 hours or so after the last game (this is to make sure that all the games […]
It is really easy to upload your own images, links and other HTML in your own blog posts, leagues and other content on PokerDIY. Only certain places on PokerDIY allow HTML editing – usually it is the large text boxes on edit forms, like the Body field on a blog post or the league description […]
You may have noticed a new Season scoring option today – you can now score your leaderboard on the Best x Results. The poker league management websites comparison chart has been updated. Thanks to Wick for the feature request – please let us know what else you want for your scoreboards! You can change this […]
You can now add Guests to your poker league. You may want to use a Guest if the person does have an email address (or want to use it for privacy reasons, even though they are never shown on PokerDIY). Another use might be if a person plays once and never again. You can add […]
Poker League Enhancements Scoreboard reports & your league on your own blog/Facebook Sept 29, 2009 Scoreboard Reports and Stats Hi League Host, As a poker league owner on PokerDIY we thought you’d be interested in some features we’ve added recently: You can now send a personalised scoreboard report to your players. They will get […]
After a good poker game the league host normally updates the league scoreboard and sends out an email with a report about the game and a link to the latest results. This is something that is usually done every time the scoreboard changes after a game and takes some time. We decided to make this easier by […]