It is really easy to upload your own images, links and other HTML in your own blog posts, leagues and other content on PokerDIY.
Only certain places on PokerDIY allow HTML editing – usually it is the large text boxes on edit forms, like the Body field on a blog post or the league description when setting up a league.
Firstly – you need to switch the editor from “Plain” to “Html” if it is not already in Html mode (if you can see a toolbar or little arrow above the textbox then it is already in HTML mode if it does not say).
Once you have done this you should see the iconbar at the top of the textbox like this:
Note: Sometimes the icon tool bar above is not expanded by default (usually when there is not space). In this case it will look like this:
All you need to do then is click on the little down arrow on the left-hand side to get your toolbar. We’ll now go over some of the basic formatting tricks:
You can format your text with the usual cool stuff like bold, italics and different font colors. Note: You can use keyboard shortcuts like Ctr-U, Ctr-I and Ctr-B.
If you want to test it out – start a new blog post and write some text and play around with it (you can always delete it if you don’t like it!).
If the textbox is too small you can click on the Expand button (the first icon one that looks like a monitor) to get full-size editing.
Creating links is also simple – just highlight the text you want to link and click on the link button (it looks like a chainlink). Enter your URL you’ve got a link.
You can insert smileys (and poker cards , check it out!) by clicking on the smiley face icon (you can’t miss it) – start making your posts more fun
and it helps a lot when showing what cards you had.
The icon that looks like a picture of a sun and mountain is the Insert Image icon. Use this if you want to upload pictures into your post. You can enter a URL (if the image is online, for instance in flickr or on your website) OR you can upload it from your computer by clicking on “Browse Server“.
Click on the “Users” folder and in the top right you will see “Upload new File”. You can use this to select a file on your PC and add it to the folder. Find it and select it to add it to your post.
The last icon we’ll cover is the Source icon. This one is a little technical (most users won’t need it) but it can be useful. If you are familiar with HTML then you’ll know that some editors can distort your HTML when pasted in from Word or other programs. If you click on the Source button you can see the HTML view of your post and make changes in direct HTML (for example, if you have bold text it will show as “bold text“. This can come in handy sometimes.
There are a couple of other icons on the bar to play around with – don’t be afraid to click them and see what happens – now you can make your posts more fun!