Send a personalized Poker League Scoreboard Report to your Players

After a good poker game the league host normally updates the league scoreboard and sends out an email with a report about the game and a link to the latest results.

This is something that is usually done every time the scoreboard changes after a game and takes some time. We decided to make this easier by adding a new feature to all poker leagues on PokerDIY – League admins/deputies can now send generated league leaderboard reports with just a few clicks.

Each player will receive a personalized report about the league, ie. where they are ranking currently, how many points they have, how much cash they have won (hopefully) and how many times they have been hitman etc.

It will also show the top 3 positions, who is coming last, who has lost the most cash, won the most cash and a lot more…

Here is an email snapshot from a recent home game to give you an example:

Poker League Scoreboard Email Report

This was an actual league scoreboard report sent for the Sydney Home Poker League.

If you manage your poker league on PokerDIY you can send your own players reports right now. Go to your poker league home page and click on “Scoreboard Report“. You can chose which of your poker league members receive the report (only the active players this season, or ALL of your poker league members?) and include message if you want.

We’ve got some great enhancements for this feature planned:

  • Twitter integration
  • Auto-scheduling (everytime the scoreboard changes we can send a report)
  • and loads more!

Thanks to the PokerDIY member who suggest this feature, we’ve updated the Poker League Feature Comparison Chart!

Let us know what else you’d find useful for your home poker league…


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