There’s a nifty new feature on the “Add Players to Game” screen which should help the larger leagues when adding poker games. In the past, this screen showed all your league members. So imagine a home poker league that has been running for for a few years (maybe a season per year) and had around […]
For those of you who didn’t know, PokerDIY was due to be upgraded to a new core version today (this would have meant some cool new features – more on this later). Unfortunately things didn’t go as planned! 7 hours of downtime later and we finally managed to restore our site to exactly how it was. For this […]
Please note that today for the next 3 hours you may experience some odd behaviour on PokerDIY. We are upgrading our core platform software which will bring lots of new features (more on this later). Unfortunately this is a rather large upgrade so the site will experience some slowdown and issues as we get things up […]
A new feature went live today which will help poker directors with big leagues get started a lot faster. In the past you could only add 1 player at a time if they were not registered on PokerDIY. You can now add a whole stack of poker players at once to your league AND you […]
A while ago a league director raised an issue – bascially they were importing poker game results from the Tournament Director and the league scoreboard was not taking into account Rebuys and Addons, which meant that the profit column on the scoreboard was not balanced. This was an annoying oversight but I am pleased to […]
What features do you look for when running your home poker league? The ability to customize your poker league scoreboard? Whether or not you can filter on minimum games or change the scoreboard ranking? Whatever your feature-requirements are there are a lot of poker league management websites around these days and all do things a […]
PokerDIY was featured a few months ago on, a site dedicated to all-things to do with yep, you guessed it, poker software! It gives a bit of insight as to how PokerDIY was formed and answers the Who, What, Why, When and Where questions… Many thanks to Dan Cypra from PS for the interview. You can […]
If you publish your poker league scoreboard from Dr Neau, STM or The Tournament Director to PokerDIY then you may have noticed a new little icon on your poker game results. Have a look at this demo home poker game… (screenshot below) Don’t be alarmed, this just indicates that the game results were exported from one […]
A feature request came through recently from Ryan T who runs his poker league on PokerDIY. He wanted some other league members to be able to update their poker league scoreboard and manage their league. Imagine in the League Owner goes away on holiday or doesn’t play that day – someone else might need to upload the […]
PokerDIY July Newsletter Poker player stats, 40 000 players and PokerDIY on your iPhone… July, 2009 Poker Player Stats We’ve been working on the poker player stats screen to make it more useful – for example, have a look at this player’s scores. Read more about how you can have this on your own poker […]