I Don’t Care for Poker CelebritesBy bluegarage So you ask, bluegarage, why do you not like poker celebs? Well its not that I don’t like them, I don’t respect them. At least in regard to there play in big tournaments. This is because the game is just too easy for them. Unlike in sports where […]
Hola, mi nombre es Sofia.Estoy buscando juegos de poker en la ciudad de Mexico, de preferencia en el norte de la ciudad!! Si te interesa checa mi profile y contactate conmigo, ya sea para organizar algun juego o si me puedo integrar a tu juego.
First post in new blog. I am an experienced Poker Player (both Online and Live) who also dabbles in Stock Investments and Currency Trades. I will be discussing poker news, poker characters I have come across, my poker experiences and also point out special poker events. I have played poker for 20 years. I currently […]
Hey everybody, I appreciated all the thanks and congrats I re’cd….u all are a wonderful community. Life changes and I now have to move on so to speak. I start a new job (my first in like 4 yrs, guess I have been really lucky) tomorrow. So no more 5,000 hands a day, no more […]
Well. Finally I hit it pretty big. I learned how to play Pai Gow poker last week while having dinner at the M casino. While there, I started playing PG poker, they told me that the silverton had a super bonus and it was only a 5.00 table (most or 10.00 tables) Last nite the […]
Variance. She has been with me for many years now. She can be extremely wishy washy, and very scary at times. I usually find her in one of 3 moods. When she is happy, loving, and caring…she smiles upon me and I tend to be a winner at the tables. Then there are those times […]
Say I am crazy……maybe? So this is an experiment that I will blog every day about. So after much thought and reading a bunch of material on Double or Nothings I came up with an idea. This, after my failure to move up in levels. If you can improve, or refute my system please do. […]
Damnit, never fails, every single time I move up in levels whether it be cash games or sit and go’s I get burned. I was pretty smart yesterday and in playing both the tens and fives. check this out. I won 76% ITM for over $46.00 profit in the fives, and lost $56.00 playing the […]
So I got over 500 sit and go’s in about 2 weeks and doing pretty well. I get alittle frustrated playing AK early on in the tourney. Sometimes it seems like a waste of money. You raise preflop, miss and cbet and get called. This can be eating into around 30% of your chips. So […]
Okay, I currently excell at the following $5 sit and go’s. 162 games of $5. 18 man tournies is +$117.00 55 games of $5.00 27 man tournies is +$77.50 so I started to gradually play the 10.00 games and this is what I have. 69 games of $10.00 18 man tournies is +$123.00 (notice no […]