There’s a new version of PokerDIY Tourney Manager in town. You can now control each sound effect and speech bite (yes, PTM announces the blinds and tells you what’s going on) as well as a couple of other cool new features. PTM also saves the last used layout backgrounds and tourney configuration (Color-ups, addons, rebuys) […]
We’ve just released a new version of PokerDIY Tourney Manager (our free poker blind clock and chip calculator). The main new feature is the talking blinds – PTM will announce various tourney events. See all other enhancements and bug fixes here. Let us know what you think and remember to vote on the features you want to […]
Yes, PokerDIY Tourney Manager is now available for free download on the Windows Phone 7 mobile! Download it for free from the Zune marketplace (the only free poker clock/blind timer) or watch a video of it in action: “;” alt=””> Free poker blind timer for the Windows Phone Mobile Get the desktop version free […]
Have you tried our free poker blind timer yet? Here are 3 good reasons to try it: Runs offline (Windows or Mac) on any computer in fullscreen SIMPLE and looks good (very customizable!) Free It’s so easy to resize the timer or change the colors to match your game – check it out: Some […]
The latest live version of PokerDIY Tourney Manager allows even more flexibility – you can now resize anything on the timer screen and change the color and sizes of borders! It’s easiest to demonstrate with some screenshots: Default blind timer screen: Maybe this suits your style a little more? How about if […]
Technorati Tags: poker blind timer,blinds clock The latest version of our free poker blind timer software now leys you move and resize the info boxes on the timer screen so it’s even more customisable! Here are some screenshots to show what is possible: New features: Drag and move the boxes around as you […]
App: Poker Buddy Cost: £0.59 (On Sale) Developer: Origin8 This week Shark-Stats have been using origin8’s “Poker Buddy” for the iPhone to run a few poker tournaments for a small group of friends. The app is on sale from the app store for only £0.59 which already makes it great value for money. Update: If […]
App: Blind Timer Cost: £1.79 Developers: I came across this app and I though would just be a glorified stopwatch. However once I installed it and loaded her up I was plenty surprised at what lurked under the surface. The App is called “Blind Timer” and can be found by searching the app store […]
Hi and welcome to our final part of this 4 part series “Running the Perfect Home Game”. In the past 3 sections we covered playing cards, chipsets and lastly the different poker tables available on the market. If you have missed any of this articles or want to recap them head over to our “Home […]
One of the cool new features in the latest version of the PokerDIY Tourney Manager chip calculator is the ability to share your poker chipsets easily on the web. Instead of writing it out by hand I can copy and paste it with a single click… Actions speak louder than words, so let me just show you – […]