Didnt make it to the Luxor, instead went to the MGM Grand. I went there cause they have anywehere from 8-20 tables going at one time. Its one of the more noisier rooms on the strip, but very popular with the younger tourist. Me and my buddy went together, he started with 100 and me with 40.
My first table went really well, dummies were calling my AQ, AJ with like A2, and A8 and doubling up was a breeze. Again one of the reasons using the MGM is the number of tables. I aske for a table change and when I moved to the next table I pocketed my profit to start over again with 40. This is really not allowed. You are not allowed to take money of the tables, even when you move to another one. This is easier at the MGM then moving on the next card room next door or across the street.
I started off pretty dry at the next table, my buddy eventually joined me there. I finally hit AA, and there were like 8 limpers. I didnt feel like an 8 dollar raise would get anybody out and there was no way I was gonna let them get cracked so I threw in my last 27, no one called. I went all in like 2 more times and when all was said and done after 4 hours I turned my 40 into 124. Thats triple what I started with, 2 tables 4 hours for 21 an hour. All and all it went well. I am being comped at the MGM tonite so I will give it another go tonite and let you know the outcome. Its funny I have been doing well online, but that is only averaging 16 an hour over the last 8 hours. Maybe I should do this live and not online, but then no bonuses. cya