C4C Home Games, San Antonio, TX. By 410/I-10 intersection.
All weekend military gets 10% addon. The action is on! Kicking it off Sat @4pm with a $250 10 person free roll into a solid $1-3 starting at 6:30pm. The first 4 getting $100. Dinner is served @ 6pm with BBQ chicken or Steak with sides (made2order) Always a free open bar for everyone!
Greetings, The best Poker Club around is now open again. New members games weekly. 1-2 and 1-3 games. Tourney's on Sunday and Monday. We appreciate all players and work hard to give you guys a solid venue with lots of fun, legal and safe poker. Private members games are Thursday Thru Sunday 2 tables max. RSVP ASAP 210-639-1116 Play Strong, Ally
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