One of the most interesting things in recent online poker history is the hiring of professional players by various poker rooms to push their brand in a various live and online poker events. Some of these players do indeed stay within the limits determined by their human condition. There are others out there though who seem to ignore the fact that at the end of the day they are just one person and not a small country when it comes to finances. Who sponsors these players? Do they indeed play out of their own pockets, and if so how come that going several years without a profit, while dropping around $1 million each month doesn’t bankrupt them?
If you are as avid a poker fan as I am, you probably know about the extraordinary losing run that Gus Hansen had had for a couple years, before he managed to right things and get back on the winning track this year.
I know the man was stacked when his losing streak began, but he lost so much money it would have bankrupted a small country and he still kept going.
There are other players out there, like Patrick Antonius, Tom Dwan and a handful of others, who seem to never run out of money either.
You probably know about Swedish mystery man Isildur1 too. He was definitely not affiliated with any online poker operation, and sure enough, when a truly bad losing streak hit him, he busted his Full Tilt Poker account and disappeared from the high-stakes online scene.
There are people out there, who lose much more than he ever did, and they still never seem to bust. They’re back the next day playing at the same nosebleed stakes, and possibly losing more. Who sponsors these people? Could it be that the action they generate, and the attention they garner is so valuable to the poker room that it allows them to play with real currency out of the poker room’s pockets. While such a scenario is not that likely to be frank, it could be a possibility.
There are other pros out there like Phil Ivey of Full Tilt Poker, like Phil Hellmuth and like Annie Duke of UB, who never seem to outspend the limits of human reason, even though they’re probably as stacked as some of the guys mentioned above.
With Isildur1 now back in action at PokerStars, this time as an in-house professional, it’ll be extremely interesting to see whether or not he will be able to bust his account yet again…
[email protected]
July 17, 2012 at 12:42 amHay thanks for the pretty good information, i really like your blog,
i am damn crazy fan of poker,
I often browse online poker news blogs to keep myself up to date.
[email protected]
July 10, 2012 at 5:32 amYeah..!! i do agree with Julia , never think like if good players are playing on a particular online poker site, it does’nt mean that cardroom is a best among all, 🙂
[email protected]
July 2, 2012 at 5:10 amHi Thanks for the wonderful information you have put in to your articles. I daily search new new online gambling blogs, today i found yours, and found nice info as well.
[email protected]
June 29, 2012 at 1:58 amWhether you’re a beginner, a casual player or a seasoned pro, there is something you can gain from playing poker at the online poker sites with pros. Poker is such an intricate game, full of strategy and skill that you never stop learning, and by building your abilities.
[email protected]
June 28, 2012 at 7:04 amIf you’re a pro and it’s pretty likely you’ve been playing enough to know when a site is good, and when it isn’t. However, why should you waste your valuable time doing the research? Your time should be spent playing, improving your game and most of all WINNING
[email protected]
June 27, 2012 at 6:27 amHaving pro players on the poker site doesn’t necessarily mean it’s an amazing site, but the sites above all qualify as amazing. These sites have big name poker pros who play on their poker sites all the time, and if they trust their bankroll there, so can you.