I would like to invite you to my home game. We play every other day. We play 1/3 & 2/5NLHE twice a week, also 1/3/5PLO rotation. My job as your host is to provide the safest and most comfortable environment possible. The game is loose with plenty of action...very juicy. We follow casino rules and the dealers know how to do their job. If any issue arise, the house steps in an takes care of it. I have been running games for 6 years now, and I pride myself on providing the best possible game to my players. Great Food, drinks, masseuse and a comfortable and safe location!. No extra people hanging around....Players only...this ensures the safety of our players. Our players are respectful, like to have fun, and gamble! If your a hothead or trouble maker you will not be invited back. You will have a great time and enjoy the game. If you prefer, You can email me your phone number and we can speak directly.
Let me know what blinds and stakes do you prefer. Also, what days do you prefer to play? I look forward to hearing from you.
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