We’ve all seen it on MySpace and Facebook – your “friend” network.
Under your profile you have a list of other members who are your friends… well now you can do the same on PokerDIY!
So, to start, search the poker players directory for your poker mates. You may know some people, or you could search for poker players in your city or country (bear in mind you can find more poker players by searching Poker Groups by city, country and tags) When you have found your friend (or someone who could be your friend!) – click on their thumbnail to view their full profile – it will look similar to this (depending on how much information they have chosen to divulge). You can then click on “Add to Friend” (below their profile image) and an email request will be sent to them inviting them to be your friend!
If someone requests to be your friend you can view your friend requests on the home page (under the tab entitled “Friend Requests“). If anyone has asked to be your friend (you should have received an email with a link to their profile) then you can accept or deny these requests here. You can select the poker players you want to be friends with and click on “Accept” (or deny, but hey, a friend is better than an enemy!)
After you have accepted a friend or they have accepted your request then you profile image will appear under their “My Friends” section on their profile. You can then use this to keep in touch and send messages to your friends (either one at a time or a whole lot of them at once), but in the future there are some great things planned with friend networks, like user ratings, special events and lots more!
A reminder – please fill in your profile on PokerDIY to make it easy to connect with like-minded players! You can do this by logging in to PokerDIY and clicking on your name in the top right, or by clicking on the Profile icon in the homepage dashboard or in the top menu. You can then upload an image or photo for your profile and fill in your favorite poker game and so forth…
Feel free to search for my profile (“PokerDIY“) and add me as a friend if you want to test how it works – you can never have too many poker playing friends 😉
If you have any questions on the “My Friends” then let us know in the Forums…