Managing your PokerDIY League with Tournament Director

Do you use PokerDIY to manage your home poker league? Do you still record your results on paper or in a spreadsheet? Have you heard of The Tournament Director? Do you find recording the results to be a real pain?

Answer “yes” to any of these questions and we have good news – running your home poker league just got a lot easier! PokerDIY now talks to The Tournament Director, so you can upload your poker tourney results with a click on the button and publish them on PokerDIY!

The latest version of The Tournament Director (TD) has a new “Export to PokerDIY” option. we won’t go into detail about TD, it’s one of the most popular desktop poker league management programs around – check it out here if you have not seen it and download a trial.

Simple play/record your poker game as usual using TD, and when you are finished hit the “Export” button and select PokerDIY.

Export your completed tourney to PokerDIY!

Open and go to your league (we’ll assume you have set one up already). Click on “Import a Game“.

Click on

Click on “Browse” to find the tourney file you just exported. Upload it and click on “Import Results“.

Find your exported tourney and upload it to PokerDIY

Confirm that the TD players match your league players, and save your results!

Match up the players in your league against your Tournament Director players

Voila! You have your new game results after a couple of clicks. Your new game has been uploaded and all your league members can see the results and comment on the game.

Your TD game/results now appear in PokerDIY for your league members to see!

If you do not use Tournament Director and you manage a regular poker league we highly recommend that you check it out – it will save you a lot of time. Of course, you can still use PokerDIY by uploading your scores by hand, but it’s not as cool as this!

If you have any problems uploading tournament files from TD please let us know on the forums so we can get your league up and running!

PokerDIY also allows supports publishing league results from DrNeau and SimpleTourneyManager.


Download a free trial of The Tournament Director if you have not already tried it!


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