Hey everybody, I appreciated all the thanks and congrats I re’cd….u all are a wonderful community.

Life changes and I now have to move on so to speak. I start a new job (my first in like 4 yrs, guess I have been really lucky) tomorrow. So no more 5,000 hands a day, no more playing till 2:00 a.m. I am grateful that I did hit it big last week and still havent spent the money lol…our only plans for the money (besides saving for retirement) is to take a vacation to Australia, New Zealand and Saipan to see relatives and friends. That probably wont happen for another year atleast till I am eligible for a min of 2 weeks vacation.

All that being said, I think I will invest in a coach for Pot Limit Omaha (anybody have some recommendations?) and take it really slow. I really enjoy that game, and there is still alot of money to be made.

Today feels like the last day of summer break, and I have to go back to school tomorrow. So, I will hit the casinos today looking for a fun place to play Pai Gow. All the casinos have little different bonuses for playing, like at the Coast casinos which all have a progressive jackpot like the one I won. The Orleans progressive is currently at 121,000…..Maybe lighting strikes twice eh. cya


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