Very fun and friendly game ...if you're looking for action better place in CT . OPENINGS: Come One, Come All. Rules: Must be a member to play - Open Membership - Only $50/year
Yes every monday 100 buy in - 20 dollar catered buffet - 1st place payout, usually around $1500 - Final 6-8 get paid. Skill: You name it ...we've seen it ...WE TTEM ALL!
Game Details
Number of Players
Tournament: usually 30-40 / Cash Game: Usually 30-50 on several tables
No dates here. I used to play in this game and it was great but it was closed down. If it is running again, I would love to know for when I am in New Haven again. The buffet was fantastic. Wooster Street for the win.
Bill Reich
October 21, 2020 at 1:04 pmNo dates here. I used to play in this game and it was great but it was closed down. If it is running again, I would love to know for when I am in New Haven again. The buffet was fantastic. Wooster Street for the win.
February 7, 2020 at 5:03 pmIs there a game every Saturday? And what time?